DOMINIC translation

translators association


part About us

The “DO­MI­NIC” as­so­ci­a­tion pro­vi­des trans­la­tion sup­port for the acti­vi­ties of the law en­force­ment agen­cies in St. Pe­ters­burg and in the North-West of the Rus­sian Fe­de­ra­tion.

The or­ga­ni­za­tion also pro­vi­des ser­vi­ces to in­di­vi­duals. Par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the fol­lowing areas: le­gal, tech­ni­cal, me­di­cal, dip­lo­ma­tic trans­la­tions, ne­go­tia­tion sup­port, trans­la­tion of books, films, etc.

part Translators

The as­so­cia­tion con­sists of about 200 unique trans­la­tors. Each is a cer­ti­fied spe­cia­list and pos­ses­ses ne­ces­sary skills. All the mem­bers are legal­ly pro­vi­ded with cor­res­pon­ding cer­ti­fi­ca­tes and are lis­ted in the of­fi­cial re­gis­ter.

Our trans­lators work in over 50 lan­gua­ges. Among them: Ara­bic, Be­la­ru­sian, Bul­ga­rian, Chi­ne­se, Cro­atian, Czech, Da­nish, Dutch, Eng­lish, Es­to­nian, Fin­nish, French, Ger­man, Greek, He­brew, Hun­ga­rian, Ita­lian, Ja­pa­nese, Kazakh, Kyr­gyz, Ko­rean, La­tin, Lat­vian, Li­thua­nian, Mol­da­vian, Nor­wegian, Per­sian (Far­si), Por­tu­guese, Ro­ma­nian, Ser­bian, Spa­nish, Swe­dish, Ta­jik, Tur­kish, Uk­rai­nian, Uz­bek, Viet­na­me­se and other, mo­re ra­re lan­gua­ges.

The as­so­cia­tion has at its dis­po­sal a lar­ge amount of spe­cia­li­zed re­fe­rence li­te­ra­tu­re, mo­dern trans­la­tion tools, as well as ser­vi­ces of na­tive spea­kers for proof­reading the fi­nal work.

part Our clients

The Mi­nis­try of In­ter­nal Af­fairs, the Fe­de­ral Se­cu­ri­ty Ser­vice, the Fe­de­ral Cus­toms Ser­vice, the Bor­der Ser­vice, the In­ves­ti­ga­tive Com­mit­tee, the Mi­nis­try of Jus­tice, a num­ber of dip­lo­ma­tic mis­sions of fo­reign count­ries and other or­ga­ni­za­tions in­ter­act with the trans­lators of the “DO­MI­NIC” as­so­cia­tion at the lo­cal le­vel.

The or­ga­ni­za­tion pro­vi­des sup­port to gra­dua­tes of the Phi­lo­lo­gi­cal and Orien­tal Fa­cul­ties of the St. Pe­ters­burg Sta­te Uni­ver­sity.

part Contacts

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